AuthorChris Rempel

Founder, marketer, writer, futurist.

Screw the Resolutions


I was planning out the standard “Here’s my predictions for 2023” piece, commingled with the usual hat-tips to personal resolutions… and I hit a wall. You’ve heard it all before. My predictions will mostly be wrong, or irrelevant. And the world’s in a place where the last thing you need is some extra noise (or underhanded guilt). So I have a different message this time: 2023 is the year...

Attention Seekers


Of the world’s largest 10 companies in 2022, 6 of the 10 are entirely internet-based, not including Apple, which though technically a hardware company – is arguably the main internet gateway. So let’s just call it 7/10. While this seems intuitive to us today, this was the stuff of pipe dreams not too long ago. Even at the height of the first dot-com bubble in 2000 (when the...

Sea change


It was the turn of the millennium, and Guinness was in trouble; an old man’s drink trying to reinvent itself. Their primary challenge lay in how the drink is served. The three-part pour process was seen as too onerous and time-intensive for the incoming generation. It was believed that younger customers would simply favour conventional beers. But rather than change the classic Guinness...

The Second Chance of a Lifetime


One of the most poignant insights that’s ever originated from TV comes from a surprising source. It’s Ed Helms who delivers the epic, gut-punching one-liner: ~ Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) in NBC’s The Office That one really got me. I think for most of us, it’s not just the nostalgia of the “good times” that elicits such a strong reaction. Rather, it’s the tragedy of what we understand today...

Part 2: creating the new frontier


“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome”. While a tad oversimplified, Charlie Munger’s famous one-liner is sort of like the Occam’s Razor of human behavior – especially at scale. People are generally far more driven by self-interest than by any other factor. Indeed, history clearly demonstrates that while people might tolerate a certain degree of...

Part 1: the internet is having a kodak moment


Kodak’s demise is the stuff of legend; a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy… For over a hundred years, Kodak held a near-monopoly on the manufacture of camera film & photo production. And if Canon, Sony & Pentax were the proverbial car companies of photography, then Kodak was the world’s largest oil producer – by a wide margin. But just as how Tesla rapidly went from...

The Great Acceleration


A few weeks ago I woke up at an ungodly hour and drove down to an obscure pharmacy at the break of dawn – camping chair in hand. A few hours later, someone stuck a needle in my arm, and I was symbolically transported into a whole new, post-pandemic world. A world where lumber prices have increased by 700%, where JPEGs sell for $69M a pop, and where housing prices have gone parabolic –...

The Hustle Myth


Entrepreneurship has always gone hand-in-hand with personal development… It takes a lot of perseverance to get a business off the ground, so it’s no surprise that the internal fuel needed to mentally stick it through is going to require some proverbial “gas stations”. It’s similarly unsurprising to see Tony Robbins (and all of his various alternatives) keynoting at...

The River of a Life


My mom passed away two years ago, today. This was my eulogy: Frenchman Butte is technically too small to be called a town. Google Maps calls it “Rural Municipality 501”. Saskatchewan has a number of small towns like this – with names ranging from nondescript labels like “501”, to bizarre examples like “Elbow” and “Primate”. I’ve often wondered what the underlying stories are behind some of...

Harnessing the Tempest


Last month, as we witnessed the world confront its first global black swan event in generations, we looked at rational actions to take in the midst of near-total uncertainty. At the time, while there were certainly some opportunities emerging already, focusing on shoring up cash and taking steps to simply stay in the game seemed like the smartest immediate response. A lot has happened since...